Agreement between User and Real Style Design
The website (the “Site”) is composed of several web pages operated by realstyledesign, LLC. (“realstyledesign”). is available to you conditioned to your acceptance of our terms and conditions without modification. notices and conditions contained herein (the “Terms”). Your use of constitutes your agreement and acceptance to all such Terms. Please take time to read these terms carefully, and make a copy of them for your reference. is a Online Shopping Website.
realstyledesign Shopping is an online shopping platform that enables third-party vendors to offer and sell their merchendise on a fixed-price.
Your use of is subject to our (realstyledesign’s) Privacy Policy. Please take your time to review our Privacy Policy carefully, which also controls the Website and informs its users of the data collection practices.
Electronic Communications
Visiting sending messages to purchasers shopping establishes electronic interchanges. You agree to get electronic interchanges and you concur that all arrangements, notification, exposures and different correspondences that we give to you electronically, through email and on the Website, fulfill any lawful necessity that such interchanges be recorded as a hard copy.
Your Account
Assuming you utilize this Website, you are liable for keeping up with the secrecy of your record and secret key and for confining admittance to your PC, and you consent to acknowledge liability regarding movements of every sort that happen under your record or secret word. You may not allot or in any case move your record to some other individual or substance. You recognize that realstyledesign isn’t answerable for outsider admittance to your record that outcomes from robbery or misappropriation of your record. realstyledesign and its partners maintain whatever authority is needed to decline or drop administration, end records, or eliminate or alter content in our only attentiveness.
Children Under 18
In case you are under 18, you can use only with authorization of a parent or guardian.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Undoings are just acknowledged for full-estimated things, inside an hour after a request is set. You have 30 days from the date you accept your request to start and return your item(s) for a discount or store credit. Any profits not made inside this window will be dismissed. Because of the specially designed nature of a portion of our handcrafted items we can not acknowledge returns/trades or proposition discounts for any hand tailored thing.
Links to Third Party Websites/Third Party Services contain connections to different sites (“Linked Websites”). The Linked Websites are not heavily influenced by realstyledesign and realstyledesign isn’t liable for the substance of any Linked Website, including without limit any connection contained in a Linked Website, or any progressions or updates to a Linked Website. realstyledesign is giving these connections to you just as an accommodation, and the incorporation of any connection doesn’t suggest support by realstyledesign of the Website or any relationship with its administrators.
Certain administrations made accessible through conveyed by outsider Websites and associations. By utilizing any item, administration or usefulness starting from the, you thus recognize and assent that realstyledesign might impart such data and information to any outsider with whom realstyledesign has an authoritative relationship to give the mentioned item, administration or usefulness for and clients.
No Unlawful or Prohibited Use/Intellectual Property
You are conceded a non-selective, non-adaptable, revocable permit to access and utilize as per these terms of utilization. As a state of your utilization of the Website, you warrant to realstyledesign that you won’t involve the Website for any reason that is unlawful or denied by these Terms. You may not involve the Website in any way which could harm, debilitate, overburden, or hinder the Website or impede some other party’s utilization and satisfaction in the Website. You may not acquire or endeavor to get any materials or data through any means not deliberately made accessible or accommodated through the Website.
All satisfied included as a component of the Service, like text, designs, logos, pictures, as well as the assemblage thereof, and any product utilized on the Website, is the property of realstyledesign or its providers and safeguarded by copyright and different regulations that safeguard protected innovation and restrictive privileges. You consent to notice and maintain all copyright and other exclusive notification, legends or different limitations contained in any such content and won’t roll out any improvements thereto.
You won’t adjust, distribute, communicate, pick apart, take an interest in the exchange or deal, make subsidiary works, or in any capacity exploit any of the substance, in entire or to some extent, found on the Website. realstyledesign content isn’t really for resale. Your utilization of the Website doesn’t qualify you to utilize any safeguarded content, and specifically you won’t erase or modify any exclusive freedoms or attribution sees in any satisfaction. You will utilize safeguarded content exclusively for your own utilization, and will utilize the substance without the express composed authorization of realstyledesign and the copyright proprietor. You concur that you don’t get any possession privileges in any safeguarded content. We don’t allow you any licenses, express or inferred, to the protected innovation of realstyledesign or our licensors besides as explicitly approved by these Terms.
Use of Communication Services
The Website might contain release board administrations, visit regions, news gatherings, discussions, networks, individual site pages, schedules, and additionally other message or correspondence offices intended to empower you to speak with people in general at large or with a gathering (altogether, “Correspondence Services”). You consent to utilize the Communication Services just to post, send and get messages and material that are legitimate and connected with the specific Communication Service.
Via model, and not as a limit, you concur that while utilizing a Communication Service, you won’t: slander, misuse, irritate, tail, undermine or in any case disregard the lawful freedoms (like privileges of security and exposure) of others; distribute, post, transfer, convey or scatter any improper, profane, slanderous, encroaching, disgusting, revolting or unlawful theme, name, material or data; transfer records that contain programming or other material safeguarded by licensed innovation regulations (or by privileges of protection of exposure) except if you own or control the freedoms thereto or have gotten every single fundamental assent; transfer documents that contain infections, ruined records, or some other comparative programming or projects that might harm the activity of another’s PC; publicize or propose to sell or purchase any labor and products for any business reason, except if such Communication Service explicitly permits such messages; lead or forward overviews, challenges, fraudulent business models or networking letters; download any record posted by one more client of a Communication Service that you know, or sensibly should know, can’t be legitimately disseminated in such way; misrepresent or erase any creator attributions, lawful or other appropriate notification or exclusive assignments or names of the beginning or wellspring of programming or other material contained in a record that is transferred; confine or hinder some other client from utilizing and partaking in the Communication Services; abuse any governing set of rules or different rules which might be relevant for a specific Communication Service; gather or in any case gather data about others, including email addresses, without their assent; disregard any pertinent regulations or guidelines.
realstyledesign has no commitment to screen the Communication Services. Be that as it may, realstyledesign claims all authority to audit materials presented on a Communication Service and to eliminate any materials in its only watchfulness. realstyledesign claims all authority to end your admittance to any or every one of the Communication Services whenever without notice under any circumstance.
realstyledesign saves the right consistently to unveil any data as important to fulfill any relevant regulation, guideline, lawful cycle or legislative solicitation, or to alter, decline to present or on eliminate any data or materials, in entire or partially, in realstyledesign’s only attentiveness.
Continuously use alert while giving out any expressly distinguishing data about yourself or your youngsters in any Communication Service. realstyledesign doesn’t control or support the substance, messages or data found in any Communication Service and, accordingly, realstyledesign explicitly renounces any obligation concerning the Communication Services and any activities coming about because of your interest in any Communication Service. Chiefs and hosts are not approved realstyledesign spokespersons, and their perspectives don’t really mirror those of realstyledesign.
Materials transferred to a Communication Service might be likely to post impediments on utilization, multiplication as well as scattering. You are answerable for sticking to such restrictions on the off chance that you transfer the materials.
Materials Provided to Posted on Any realstyledesign Web Page
realstyledesign doesn’t guarantee responsibility for materials you give to criticism and ideas) or post, transfer, input or submit to any realstyledesign Website or our related administrations (all things considered “Entries’ ‘). Be that as it may, by posting, transferring, contributing, giving or presenting your Submission you are giving realstyledesign, our associated organizations and important sublicensees consent to involve your Submission regarding the activity of their Internet organizations including, without restriction, the freedoms to: duplicate, disperse, send, openly show, openly perform, recreate, alter, interpret and reformat your Submission; and to distribute your name regarding your Submission.
No remuneration will be offered with appreciation to the utilization of your Submission, as given thus. realstyledesign is under no commitment to post or utilize any Submission you might give and may eliminate any Submission whenever in realstyledesign’s only tact.
By posting, transferring, contributing, giving or presenting your Submission you warrant and address that you own or in any case control every one of the freedoms to your Submission as depicted in this segment including, without constraint, every one of the privileges important for you to give, post, transfer, input or present the Submissions.
International Users
The Service is controlled, worked and directed by realstyledesign from our workplaces inside the USA. Assuming you access the Service from an area outside the USA, you are answerable for consistency with every single neighborhood regulation. You concur that you won’t utilize the realstyledesign Content got to through any nation or in any way denied by any material regulations, limitations or guidelines.
You consent to reimburse, protect and hold innocuous realstyledesign, its officials, chiefs, workers, specialists and outsiders, for any misfortunes, expenses, liabilities and costs (counting sensible lawyer’s charges) connecting with or emerging out of your utilization of or powerlessness to utilize the Website or administrations, any client postings made by you, your infringement of any terms of this Agreement or your infringement of any freedoms of an outsider, or your infringement of any pertinent regulations, rules or guidelines. realstyledesign saves the right, at its own expense, to expect the elite guard and control of any matter in any case dependent upon reimbursement by you, wherein occasion you will completely coordinate with realstyledesign in attesting any suitable protections.
In the occasion the gatherings can’t resolve any question between them emerging out of or concerning these Terms and Conditions, or any arrangements about, regardless of whether in agreement, misdeed, or in any case at regulation or in value for harms or some other alleviation, then, at that point, such debate will be settled exclusively by last and restricting discretion in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act, directed by a solitary unbiased mediator and managed by the American Arbitration Association, or a comparable intervention administration chose by the gatherings, in an area commonly settled upon by the gatherings. The mediator’s honor will be conclusive, and judgment might be placed upon it in any court having purview. If any lawful or fair activity, continuing or discretion emerges out of or concerns these Terms and Conditions, the overarching party will be qualified to recuperate its expenses and sensible lawyer’s charges. The gatherings consent to parley all questions and claims concerning these Terms and Conditions or any debates emerging because of these Terms and Conditions, regardless of whether straightforwardly or by implication, including Tort guarantees that are an aftereffect of these Terms and Conditions. The gatherings concur that the Federal Arbitration Act administers the understanding and implementation of this arrangement. The whole debate, including the degree and enforceability of this assertion arrangement, was not set in stone by the Arbitrator. This discretion arrangement will endure the end of these Terms and Conditions.
Class Action Waiver
Any intervention under these Agreements will occur on a singular premise; class assertions and class/agent/aggregate activities are not allowed. THE Gatherings Concur THAT A PARTY Might Get Cases AGAINST THE OTHER Just Every INDIVIDUAL Limit, AND NOT AS An Offended party OR CLASS Part IN ANY PUTATIVE CLASS, Aggregate Or potentially Agent Continuing, For example, As A PRIVATE Principal legal officer Activity AGAINST THE OTHER. Further, except if both you and realstyledesign concur any other way, the mediator may not combine more than one individual’s cases, and may not in any case direct any type of an agent or class continuing.
Liability Disclaimer
THE Data, Programming, Items, AND Administrations Remembered For OR Accessible THROUGH THE Site Might Incorporate Mistakes OR TYPOGRAPHICAL Blunders. CHANGES ARE Intermittently ADDED TO THE Data In this. realstyledesign, LLC. Or potentially ITS Providers Might MAKE Upgrades And additionally CHANGES IN THE Site Whenever.
realstyledesign, LLC. As well as ITS Providers MAKE NO Portrayals ABOUT THE Reasonableness, Unwavering quality, Accessibility, Idealness, AND Exactness OF THE Data, Programming, Items, Administrations AND RELATED Designs CONTAINED ON THE Site FOR ANY Reason. TO THE Greatest Degree Allowed BY Appropriate Regulation, ALL SUCH Data, Programming, Items, Administrations AND RELATED Designs ARE Given “With no guarantees” WITHOUT Guarantee OR State OF ANY Sort. realstyledesign, LLC. As well as ITS Providers Therefore Repudiate ALL Guarantees AND CONDITIONS Concerning THIS Data, Programming, Items, Administrations AND RELATED Illustrations, INCLUDING ALL Inferred Guarantees OR States OF MERCHANTABILITY, Qualification FOR A Specific Reason, TITLE AND NON-Encroachment.
TO THE Most extreme Degree Allowed BY Pertinent Regulation, IN NO Occasion Will realstyledesign, LLC. As well as ITS Providers BE Obligated FOR ANY Immediate, Aberrant, Corrective, Accidental, Extraordinary, Noteworthy Harms OR ANY Harms At all INCLUDING, WITHOUT Limit, Harms FOR LOSS OF Utilization, Information OR Benefits, Emerging OUT OF OR In any capacity Associated WITH THE Utilization OR Execution OF THE Site, WITH THE Postponement OR Powerlessness TO Utilize THE Site OR RELATED Administrations, THE Arrangement OF OR Inability TO Offer Types of assistance, OR FOR ANY Data, Programming, Items, Administrations AND RELATED Designs Got THROUGH THE Site, OR In any case Emerging OUT OF THE Utilization OF THE Site, Regardless of whether In light of Agreement, Misdeed, Carelessness, Severe Risk OR In any case, Regardless of whether realstyledesign, LLC. Or then again ANY OF ITS Providers HAS BEEN Educated Regarding THE Chance OF Harms. Since Certain STATES/Purviews Don’t Permit THE Prohibition OR Impediment OF Responsibility FOR Weighty OR Accidental Harms, THE ABOVE Limit MAY NOT Concern YOU. On the off chance that YOU ARE Disappointed WITH ANY Part OF THE Site, OR WITH ANY OF THESE TERMS OF Utilization, YOUR SOLE AND Selective Cure IS TO Suspend Utilizing THE Site.
Termination/Access Restriction
realstyledesign saves the right, in its only caution, to end your admittance to the Site and the connected administrations or any piece thereof whenever, without notice. To the most extreme degree allowed by regulation, this understanding is represented by the laws of the Territory of Florida and you thus agree to the selective ward and scene of courts in Florida in all questions emerging out of or connecting with the utilization of the Site. Utilization of the Site is unapproved in any purview that doesn’t give impact to all arrangements of these Terms, including, without limit, this segment.
You concur that no joint endeavor, association, work, or organization relationship exists among you and realstyledesign because of this arrangement or utilization of the Site. realstyledesign’s presentation of this arrangement is likely to existing regulations and legitimate interaction, and nothing contained in this understanding is in disparagement of realstyledesign’s more right than wrong to consent to legislative, court and regulation authorization solicitations or prerequisites connecting with your utilization of the Site or data furnished to or accumulated by realstyledesign concerning such use. Assuming any piece of this not set in stone to be invalid or unenforceable as per relevant regulation including, however not restricted to, the guarantee disclaimers and risk constraints set out above, then, at that point, the invalid or unenforceable arrangement will be considered supplanted by a substantial, enforceable arrangement that most intently matches the goal of the first arrangement and the rest of the understanding will go on active.
Except if in any case indicated thus, this understanding establishes the whole arrangement between the client and realstyledesign as for the Site and it overrides generally earlier or contemporaneous correspondences and recommendations, regardless of whether electronic, oral or composed, between the client and realstyledesign as for the Site. A printed adaptation of this arrangement and of any notification given in electronic structure will be permissible in legal or authoritative procedures in view of or connecting with this consent in a similar way and dependent upon similar circumstances as other business archives and records initially created and kept up within printed structure. It is the express wish to the gatherings that this arrangement and all connected archives be written in English.
Age Restriction:
You may not utilize or draw in with the Stage in the event that you are under thirteen (18) years old. By utilizing or drawing in with the Stage, you likewise recognize and concur that you are allowed by your ward’s Material Regulation to utilize and additionally connect with the Stage.
Prohibited Content:
You recognize and consent to not send any restricted substance over the Stage. Denied content incorporates:
– Any false, slanderous, abusive, outrageous, bothering, undermining, or following movement;
– Shocking substance, including irreverence, vulgarity, lewdness, savagery, extremism, scorn, and separation based on race, religion, sex, inability,ethnicity, sexual direction;
– Pilfered PC programs, diversions, worms, infections or any destructive code;
– Any item, administration, or advancement that is unlawful where such item, administration, or advancement thereof is gotten;
– Any happy that ensnares as well as references individual wellbeing data that is safeguarded by the Health care coverage Conveyability and Responsibility Act “HIPAA” or the Wellbeing Data Innovation for Monetary and Clinical Wellbeing Act “HITEC” Act;
Some other substance that is disallowed by Pertinent Regulation in the ward from which the message is sent.
Dispute Resolution:
If there is a question, case, or discussion among you and Us, or among you and Stodge, LLC d/b/a Postscript or some other outsider specialist organization following up for Our sake to communicate the portable messages inside the extent of the Program, emerging out of or connecting with government or state legal cases, customary regulation cases, this Arrangement, or the break, end, authorization, understanding or legitimacy thereof, including the assurance of the extension or pertinence of this consent to referee, such debate, case, or contention will be, to the furthest reaches allowed, not entirely set in stone by assertion inDoral, FL before one judge.
The gatherings consent to present the question to restricting discretion as per the Business Mediation Rules of the American Assertion Affiliation (“AAA”) then, at that point, basically. Besides as in any case gave thus, the judge will apply the considerable laws of the Government Legal Circuit where realstyledesign LLC’s chief business environment is situated, regardless of its contention of regulations rules. Inside ten (10) schedule days after the discretion request is served upon a party, the gatherings should mutually choose a referee with no less than five years’ involvement with that limit and who knows about and experience with the topic of the debate. On the off chance that the gatherings disagree on an authority inside ten (10) schedule days, a party might appeal to the AAA to select a judge, who should fulfill a similar encounter prerequisite. In case of a debate, the authority will conclude the enforceability and translation of this discretion arrangement as per the Government Intervention Act (“FAA”). The gatherings likewise concur that the AAA’s principles administering Crisis Proportions of Security will apply in lieu of looking for crisis injunctive alleviation from a court. The choice of the referee will be conclusive and restricting, and no party will have privileges of allure with the exception of those given in area 10 of the FAA. Each party will bear its portion of the expenses paid for the referee and the organization of the intervention; notwithstanding, the judge will have the ability to arrange one party to pay all or any piece of such charges as a component of an all around contemplated choice. The gatherings concur that the referee will have the power to grant lawyers’ expenses just to the degree explicitly approved by resolution or agreement. The judge will have no power to grant reformatory harms and each party thus forgoes any option to look for or recuperate corrective harms concerning any debate settled by mediation. The gatherings consent to referee exclusively on a singular premise, and this arrangement doesn’t allow class assertion or any cases brought as an offended party or class part in any class or agent intervention continuing. Besides as might be legally necessary, neither a party nor the judge might unveil the presence, content, or aftereffects of any assertion without the earlier composed assent of the two players, except if to secure or seek after a lawful right. Assuming that any term or arrangement of this Part is invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable in any purview, such deficiency, illicitness, or unenforceability will not influence some other term or arrangement of this Segment or discredit or render unenforceable such term or arrangement in some other ward. If under any condition a debate continues in court rather than in mediation, the gatherings therefore defer any right to a jury preliminary. This intervention arrangement will endure any undoing or end of your consent to take part in any of our Projects.
You warrant and address to Us that you have every important right, power, and position to consent to these Terms and play out your commitments hereunder, and nothing contained in this Arrangement or in the presentation of such commitments will put you in break of some other agreement or commitment. The disappointment of one or the other party to practice in any regard any right accommodated in this won’t be considered a waiver of any further privileges hereunder. Assuming any arrangement of this Understanding is viewed as unenforceable or invalid, that arrangement will be restricted or disposed of to the base degree essential so this Arrangement will in any case stay in full power and impact and enforceable. Any new highlights, changes, updates or upgrades of the Program will be dependent upon this Arrangement except if expressly expressed in any case recorded as a hard copy. We maintain all authority to change this Arrangement every once in a while. Any updates to this Understanding will be imparted to you. You recognize your obligation to audit this Understanding occasionally and to know about any such changes. By proceeding to take an interest in the Program after any such changes, you acknowledge this Arrangement, as altered.
Changes to Terms
realstyledesign holds the right, in its only watchfulness, to change the Terms under which accessible. The latest form of the Terms will override every single past rendition. realstyledesign urges you to intermittently survey the Terms to remain educated regarding our updates.
Contact Us
realstyledesign invites your inquiries or remarks in regards to the Terms:
realstyledesign, LLC.
182-21 150th Avenue
CAS 86060
NY, 11413
Email Address:
Telephone number:
Effective as of January 01, 2019